
Powerful Mantras, Sacred Fire, & Ceremonies for Purification and Cleansing – The Secrets to Effortless Success. Burn Negative energies and Karma. Directly engage with Divine Powers.


I’ve spent my life learning how to overcome obstacles and remove limitations that hold us back from living the fullest life. 20 years ago I discovered an amazing way to bypass all that hard work. With this powerful combination of energies you’re actually instantly introducing the evolutionary programming into your energetic system to produce subtle and far reaching changes in consciousness and the physical.

Fire burns away the dross and negative stuck energies that hold you back. Once your chakras, thoughts, and energetic systems are purified we lay the groundwork for new energies to be seeded in them. Everything is at the same time awakened in the Sacred fire of the Yagya which then becomes synchronized with the Divine Powers of the Gods and Goddesses invoked through the Yagya that holds the high vibration frequencies that transmit to you energetically. All the work is done is sacred space creating highly healing frequencies. This powerful work is unmatched for producing quick and effective results.

You engage with the Divine and they bless you immensly.

I invite you to work with us and explore the unseen world to create energetic shifts which will bring about extraordinary results.


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