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Change your Life with Powerful Yagyas

Life Changing Transformative Yagyas, Poojas, Archana, and Abhishek
performed by Specialists of the Vedic Tradition

Please Join our Ongoing Monthly Yagya Program

Ongoing Monthly Yagyas provide continuous support to shift your life and karmas in a better direction. You will be joining a large group of people all coming together to create momentum with Yagya energy for development and growth in life. To experience fullness so your life blossoms. Through continuous Yagyas you practice good dharma and grow from pleasure instead of growing from pain.  The Sun in the Vedic system takes a full year to go through each area of life in the human experience. The Yagyas each month are designed to take the full benefit of the vast energy of the Sun and the Moon to cleanse each area of your life.  This lays out a foundation for positive growth. The Vedic calendar marks important days where the heavens are open to Divine energies. The Yagyas are timed to take advantage of these important periods of time where the maximum benefit can be derived to petition the Divine. It just like going to meet an important person when you already have an appointment.  You’re more likely to get in if you already have the appointment and you have the gate code.

The first year you participate in Yagyas the Cleansing effect takes place. Some growth and fulfillment of desires do happen if the Karma is there but mostly you lose a lot of Karmic baggage. Your ties and knots are opened and blockages dissolve. Some negative habits, patterns and people will leave you.

The second year is like the very first rays of the Sun and the flow of energy increases. You start to live in the flow. The experience of the Synchronous Universe comes into your life and consciousness. You experience more peace and harmony and greater fulfillment of desires. As you continue the evolution of your soul and personality accelerates. 

Yagya Program


You start reaching higher potentials.

Monthly Yagya Program

“During all Yagyas you live in a vast circle of protection.”

You can join or leave at any time there’s no commitment required. I ask everyone to at least stay for the year so a full cycle of Yagyas can run and provide a polished result at the end of the first year. But again its up to you. Your souls desire to have the support or not. Free will and all that 🙂

The Monthly cost of the Yagya is $100 and you can add as many family members  as you like for $50 each. Its especially good to have children in the Yagya energy. They grow up really well.

You can register by using the contact us link at the bottom of this webpage or by emailing Yagyabliss11@gmail.com

Powerful Mantras, Sacred
Fire, Havan, Yagya and Pooja

For Purification and Cleansing - The Secrets to Effortless Success. Burn Negative Energies and Karma. Directly Engage with Divine Powers.

Our Specialist

Best yagya specialist


Guru Sudarshan Nath Ji, Parmahansa Swami Nikhileshwaraanand Ji, and Guru Mata Dr. Sadhna Singh Ji

Mahavidya Sadhak Parivar Guru Shankhala
MAHAVIDHYA SADHAK PARIVAR, which was founded in 1999, is engaged in the sadhana…


Yagya Specialist Shree Sanjeev Anand Ji

With the Divine Blessings of his Great Gurus Shree Sanjeev Ananad is a Yagya, Pooja and
Tantra Vidhya expert with over 20 years of Spiritual Disciplines of Rare and Secret
Sadhnas, Divine Poojas, and Yagyas…

Twin Flame Gurus - Shiv Shakti They are the embodiment of Pure Love

Our Gurudev launched a monthly magazine “SADHANA SIDDHI VIGYAN” in 1999. It is
since regularly published monthly till date…


The Spiritual A-Team goes to Work for You!

Yagya Specialists performing a fire ceremony called Agnihotra.  Which is lighting the fire of the Yagya without using a match or other worldly means to ignite the fire.  Here the fire is lit with Mantras and friction.  Agni the God of fire is invited (abhimatrit) with Mantras and prayers to appear and bless the Yagya with Divine Fire (Agni).

Uniquely Qualified in Rare Yagyas

We are a group of Spiritual Aspirants along with a Team of Priests (Pundits) in India with access to many sacred Temples located in the very holiest of cities Kurukshetra in India. Disciples of one of the greatest Guru Lineage of Guru Shree Narayan Dutt Shrimali currently residing in his Light body in Shangri La. Guru Sudarshan Nath and Guru Sadhna Mata. We are uniquely qualified and trained in many secret and rare spiritual practices that are not available anywhere else. Our Team is truly one of a kind.

Our Yagyas are a rare opportunity for all who join us. There truly is no other group which is dialed in directly and
has access to much incredible sources and higher spiritual practices.

With the Grace of God and Gurus we have been specially blessed and directed by our Guruji to offer our services for the evolution and benefit of all so we can provide services that bring relief in an environment which requires higher levels of divine intervention.

Would you like to Connect with the Higher Energies that run the Universe?



"My Rahu Yagya with YagyaBliss was a resounding Success. I felt as if a band of energy lifted from my head. Suddenly I started clearing away old stuff stored in my room. Threw away loads of garbage and my computers were being fixed. Years of clutter and broken energies were gone. I felt a sense of relief.

SK, Kurukshetra

"Recently got a Ganpati yaga done through yagya bliss’ services & it was such a wonderful experience! We had a huge upcoming event that needed to go as smoothly as possible so we got a Ganpati Yagya to ensure that happens & I must say it was nothing but amazing. Their services are so efficient, in depth, & everyone I spoke with was very friendly & informative. Loved my experience will definitely be coming back to yagya bliss for all my poojas & yagas!

TM, Irvine
California, USA

"Yagyabliss has been doing my Pooja for several months with fantastic results. I have had support to recover from Cov**19 and managed to flourish financially despite being in the negative at the start of my Poojas. I am beyond pleased. Grateful to have found you. I will continue to use your services for the rest of my life..

California, USA

blog post

Powerful Mantras, Sacred Fire, & Ceremonies for Purification and Cleansing – The Secrets to Effortless Success. Burn Negative …

A Yagya creates a powerful and direct conduit to reach the Divine. The Yagya creates an opportunity for …

There’s so much excitement around the upcoming KanakDhaara Yagya in India. The core group all had their personal …