
There’s so much excitement around the upcoming KanakDhaara Yagya in India. The core group all had their personal prayers completed for them. I am certain no one else is the world is doing this for their Yagya participants. Each person is being specific and special attention with Custom Prayers and Mantras chanted for them before the Yagya begins. The Deities are being installed in the Heart Center of each person via special mantras and Kriyas (spiritual practice).

This is a rare and very unknown lost technique. What can be better then being gifted a spiritual transfer of Ganapati the Great God who Remove Obstacles and Blockages. He uproots ignorance and gives Siddhi and Buddhi (Accomplishment and Intelligence). And a Spiritual transfer of Lakshmi the Goddess of Beauty, Relationships, Love and all forms of Wealth.

I’ve used a couple of words to describe the Gods and Goddesses but in truth they are infinite. If you study even one God or Goddess it may take you several lifetimes to discover their infinite qualities, attributes, layers and complex unknown realities.

Since the Deities are installed in your luminous field in your heart center and your whole body now you may experience their God like nature in your life. If not in this lifetime then in some other lifetime. They will come to you, reveal themselves and grow in you as you grow more and more into your God Self. You are a living Temple. Any veneration you wish to do can now be done by simply turning your attention inwards or looking inwards into to your heart.

As I was listening to each audio file I received for each individual. I was struck by the unique qualities of each persons prayers that was coming through for them. I also realized that this was not a small thing. Its a huge gift and blessing and I can only think the Goddess has truly truly blessed each one of us beyond all expectations. I was not expecting this at all. I am humbled and awed by the whole experience and we haven’t even started the Yagya yet.

I am excitedly looking forward to what will unfold next. I hope you are enjoying the experience too.

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